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3dm file download

Tested same models as STEP files with success only on one.

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One of them had the surface normal issue while the second one first crashed with an ACIS error and then imported the second try, same settings, and half the faces have surface normal issues. Models that were made strictly in MoI with units set had issues. fixed the update issue via task manager and then just reinstalling GM. Even alt-tab won't keep the window up as the moment you move the mouse or try to use any combination of keys in order to click 'run' the graphic gets automatic focus and is thus, right in front again. GM wants to update and there is a stupid graphic with an orange car on it that is ON TOP OF the window that I need to click "run' on in order to update something in GM. Going to test a few files right from MoI and see what happens. Still, the surface normal issue - that makes GM just about useless so unless someone knows how to remedy the 6 week old subscription update is slowly burning away as GM will not fit into my design pipeline at all. No unit issues, the face normal was correct (only two faces on the cone). Then I used the same file, deleted the cube, made a cone and that imported right in to GM. The file that failed input that was a simple cube made in the small objects template (mm) failed to have units recognized automatically and then wouldn't import. Whether the units were recognized by GM was random. I was actually testing file straight from Rhino the first few and those files were built using the rhino templates and were already set to mm.

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So, what is the trick to reversing surface normals in GeoMagic? This really is going to kill my intended workflow. Before the cone I tried a simple cube and it failed to import due to the units issue so I used the same exact file as the cube, deleted the cube and made a solid cone. I have had one come in properly, the cone. If you have MoI, just grab some files and see what happens with say - 10 imports. Just pick random files from your Rhino tutorials or models that you have made. I don't know how uploading files or images will help as the issues are easy to recreate.

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The parts are nothing complex at all.įYI - this also has effected some of the MoI files as well, since they are both using 3dm file types. Then, on every import except a simple cone that I made to test very simple geometry - the surface normals are all over the place so the part looks transparent from every angle. First is GeoMagic does not seem to understand the units (mm) without being told on most every import that I do.

3dm file download